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All informations about stomatology in one place

Fissure Sealing of Tooth Fissures

dete u stomatoloskoj ordinaciji


1. What is fissure sealing?

Sealing of fissures is a procedure in which materials of a special composition are applied to the deep spaces on the biting surfaces of the teeth. This prevents retention of food and prevents the occurrence of caries on the lateral teeth. It is one of the most effective methods in caries prevention. Dental sealing is also a good preparation, especially for children, for subsequent visits and further therapy, as it is a painless and minimally invasive intervention. 



2. What are fissures?


The biting surfaces of both baby and permanent lateral teeth form numerous dimples, depressions and grooves, which form the fissure system of the teeth. Fissures are linear, fissured depressions on the biting surfaces of the lateral teeth. Also, fissure dimensions vary significantly, not only between different types of teeth, but also within the occlusal surface of the same tooth. Fissures are precisely the places where caries starts.


The good news is that this kind of biting surface can be filled with a completely simple, quick and painless procedure, i.e. to be filled with filler and thus to be protected against caries. 



3. When is fissure sealing done?


It is recommended that this measure (sealing the teeth) to be done at the age of six, immediately after the appearance of the permanent molars (molars). Fissure sealing can be done on both baby and permanent teeth. Unfortunately, in our country, there is a widespread opinion that milk teeth should definitely be replaced, and that sometimes they should not even be repaired, and especially some preventive measures should not be taken. For this reason, tooth sealing as a precautionary and preventive measure is less often applied in practice than it is needed and necessary. If you regularly visit the dentist, you will receive accurate and timely information about whether your teeth, or your child's teeth, are indicated for fissure sealing.


dete i stomatolog u ordinaciji


4. Are fissures sealed only on healthy teeth?


For a long time, the position of the profession was that only absolutely healthy teeth should be sealed. However, in very deep fissures of the teeth, it is very difficult or almost impossible to diagnose the defect, so there was a fear among dentists to seal the teeth. Modern sealing materials can stop or at least slow down the initial decay or prevent new caries from forming. If the dentist judges that the initial defect is due to sealing, such a tooth is checked more often. Certainly, the conclusion is that sealings cannot harm the teeth in any way and that they are very useful and effective. Today, children's dentistry has perfected all methods of work, so by choosing a good dentist, you can fully rely on their expertise. 


5. How long does fissure sealing take?


Filling fissures is a quick and simple procedure that takes about fifteen minutes. It is completely painless and pleasant for children. It does not require any teeth grinding or anesthesia. It is one of the preventive procedures that can help the child feel as comfortable as possible in the dental clinic and adapt as quickly as possible.


6. What does the fissure sealing procedure look like?


The teeth to be sealed must first be prepared for this procedure. The tooth is first prepared, which involves removal of soft deposits with a special type of paste and etching the biting surface of the tooth with acid (which enables bonding of the sealer to the tooth). After that, an sealer is applied to the prepared tooth and fixed with a special lamp.


The sealer is placed in those places where there is the greatest probability of developing dental caries, namely the fissures of molars and premolars.


dete i stomatoloski radnik u ordinaciji


7. What is the lifetime of the tooth sealer?


The lifetime of the sealer is quite individual and generally it lasts between three and five years, and often longer. What is necessary to emphasize and what is indispensable for longevity is flawless and regular tooth brushing, as well as regular check-ups at the dentist, every 3 and 6 months. Previously placed fissure sealers should be controlled in terms of complete or partial retention, as well as the appearance of caries on the biting surfaces of the teeth. Depending on the risk of tooth decay, which can change over time in children and young people, re-sealing of pits and fissures will sometimes be indicated.


Controls are important in order to notice dropped or incomplete sealers and to replace them in time. Children's dentistry is a branch of dentistry to which Dental Plaza Clinic pays great attention. We want the visit to the dentist not to be stressful for your child, but to have fun and relax. 


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Fissure Sealing of Tooth Fissures

dete u stomatoloskoj ordinaciji


1. What is fissure sealing?

Sealing of fissures is a procedure in which materials of a special composition are applied to the deep spaces on the biting surfaces of the teeth. This prevents retention of food and prevents the occurrence of caries on the lateral teeth. It is one of the most effective methods in caries prevention. Dental sealing is also a good preparation, especially for children, for subsequent visits and further therapy, as it is a painless and minimally invasive intervention. 



2. What are fissures?


The biting surfaces of both baby and permanent lateral teeth form numerous dimples, depressions and grooves, which form the fissure system of the teeth. Fissures are linear, fissured depressions on the biting surfaces of the lateral teeth. Also, fissure dimensions vary significantly, not only between different types of teeth, but also within the occlusal surface of the same tooth. Fissures are precisely the places where caries starts.


The good news is that this kind of biting surface can be filled with a completely simple, quick and painless procedure, i.e. to be filled with filler and thus to be protected against caries. 



3. When is fissure sealing done?


It is recommended that this measure (sealing the teeth) to be done at the age of six, immediately after the appearance of the permanent molars (molars). Fissure sealing can be done on both baby and permanent teeth. Unfortunately, in our country, there is a widespread opinion that milk teeth should definitely be replaced, and that sometimes they should not even be repaired, and especially some preventive measures should not be taken. For this reason, tooth sealing as a precautionary and preventive measure is less often applied in practice than it is needed and necessary. If you regularly visit the dentist, you will receive accurate and timely information about whether your teeth, or your child's teeth, are indicated for fissure sealing.


dete i stomatolog u ordinaciji


4. Are fissures sealed only on healthy teeth?


For a long time, the position of the profession was that only absolutely healthy teeth should be sealed. However, in very deep fissures of the teeth, it is very difficult or almost impossible to diagnose the defect, so there was a fear among dentists to seal the teeth. Modern sealing materials can stop or at least slow down the initial decay or prevent new caries from forming. If the dentist judges that the initial defect is due to sealing, such a tooth is checked more often. Certainly, the conclusion is that sealings cannot harm the teeth in any way and that they are very useful and effective. Today, children's dentistry has perfected all methods of work, so by choosing a good dentist, you can fully rely on their expertise. 


5. How long does fissure sealing take?


Filling fissures is a quick and simple procedure that takes about fifteen minutes. It is completely painless and pleasant for children. It does not require any teeth grinding or anesthesia. It is one of the preventive procedures that can help the child feel as comfortable as possible in the dental clinic and adapt as quickly as possible.


6. What does the fissure sealing procedure look like?


The teeth to be sealed must first be prepared for this procedure. The tooth is first prepared, which involves removal of soft deposits with a special type of paste and etching the biting surface of the tooth with acid (which enables bonding of the sealer to the tooth). After that, an sealer is applied to the prepared tooth and fixed with a special lamp.


The sealer is placed in those places where there is the greatest probability of developing dental caries, namely the fissures of molars and premolars.


dete i stomatoloski radnik u ordinaciji


7. What is the lifetime of the tooth sealer?


The lifetime of the sealer is quite individual and generally it lasts between three and five years, and often longer. What is necessary to emphasize and what is indispensable for longevity is flawless and regular tooth brushing, as well as regular check-ups at the dentist, every 3 and 6 months. Previously placed fissure sealers should be controlled in terms of complete or partial retention, as well as the appearance of caries on the biting surfaces of the teeth. Depending on the risk of tooth decay, which can change over time in children and young people, re-sealing of pits and fissures will sometimes be indicated.


Controls are important in order to notice dropped or incomplete sealers and to replace them in time. Children's dentistry is a branch of dentistry to which Dental Plaza Clinic pays great attention. We want the visit to the dentist not to be stressful for your child, but to have fun and relax. 


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