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CAD CAM tehnology

stomatoloski radnici i pacijent u ordinaciji


1. What CAD / CAM technology represents?


CAD / CAM's latest, revolutionary technology in dentistry covers computer-aided manufacturing, planning and manufacturing, completely eliminating the possibility of human activity. In this way, the most durable and accurate production of tooth restoration is enabled, which results in much greater accuracy (thousandth of millimeters) during the production of tooth restoration. 



CAD / CAM is an expression composed of a series of letters, and its meaning is COMPUTER AIDED DESING / COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING. This is a modern system, where computers are used to support the planning and production process.

CAD is a system of software work, that is, computer-aided planning. A plaster model touched by sensors appears on the computer monitor, a digital model is made based on it and compensation is planned for it, which can be a crown or a bridge. This ensures perfect and accurate adhesion of the restored work.

CAM system is part of the "realization" also by computer control of the machine. One cutting machine makes a pre-planned skeleton of a crown or bridge from a suitable material. Our dental office is equipped with the latest technology, so you will be completely sure that you will leave us with a perfect smile. Dental Plaza is always at your disposal.


CAD CAM tehnologija


2. What is its application in dentistry?

CAD / CAM systems have taken an important place in dentistry in the production of high-precision metal-free prosthetic restorations. With the help of CAD / CAM system, making a crown is simpler and faster, while the procedure of making a crown is shortened to just one visit to the dentist, with much greater comfort for the patient. 


3. What are the advantages of applying CAD / CAM technology?


This modern technology brings with it many advantages for both the dentist and the patient. One of the main advantages is the fact that after only one visit to the dentist, the patient finishes making his crowns.


4. What does the process of making CAD / CAM crowns look like?


The procedure is very short. After the preparation of the tooth (grinding), the digital impression is taken with the help of an intraoral scanner, very quickly and comfortably. Another option is to take a conventional impression, so the cast model is scanned on a computer. Thus, a virtual model is obtained on which the process continues. 



Immediately after that, the restoration is planned and designed on the computer on a virtual model thanks to 3D software. When the design is complete, the type of ceramic for the appropriate compensation is selected and the software passes the information to the cutting machine in which the ceramic block will be cut in the form of a previously designed compensation. The restorations made in this way do not differ in shape and color from natural teeth. 


We went one step further when it comes to making bridges on implants in our dental office. After determining the intermaxillary relations, we create a "rigid", which we obtain through a 3D printer that is also software in a special program modeled by technicians, which confirms the accuracy of intermaxillary relations, and after scanning it in CAD-CAM, the possibility of error is excluded and accuracy brought to microscopic levels. 


5. What types of prosthetic restorations can be done using CAD / CAM technology?


CAD / CAM technology in dentistry has taken an important place and covers the production of a large number of high-precision prosthetic restorations, such as metal-free ceramic crowns, but also other ceramic restorations - inlays, onlays, overlays, endocrowns, bridges, veneers and crowns  on implant.


In addition to making crowns, teeth that have large fillings or are significantly damaged by caries so that a large part of the teeth is missing can be very easily reconstructed when using CAD-CAM technology. The great damage of the teeth used to mean that it had to be compensed with a crown. Today's system of cementation of restorations, types of ceramic materials and available technology have enabled only the missing part of the tooth to be elegantly reconstructed with appropriate restorations. 


Such restorations occupy only the surface of the damaged part of the tooth or the surface of the tooth that used to be occupied by the filling. Depending on the tooth surface they are restoring, the restorations have different names: inley, onley and overley.


Also, CAD / CAM technology is used in the manufacturing of appropriate orthodontic appliances and surgical guides in implantology. 


CAD CAM tehnologija


6. What is the price of a crown made with CAD / CAM technology?


At the Dental Plaza clinic, all metal-free crowns are technically made in this way. The computer-designed model of the crown is cut from the block using a machine programmed for that, and this does not affect the price of the zirconium ceramic crown. Dental Plaza dental practice is always up to date with all world trends, but with us you can find them at very affordable prices. 


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CAD CAM tehnology

stomatoloski radnici i pacijent u ordinaciji


1. What CAD / CAM technology represents?


CAD / CAM's latest, revolutionary technology in dentistry covers computer-aided manufacturing, planning and manufacturing, completely eliminating the possibility of human activity. In this way, the most durable and accurate production of tooth restoration is enabled, which results in much greater accuracy (thousandth of millimeters) during the production of tooth restoration. 



CAD / CAM is an expression composed of a series of letters, and its meaning is COMPUTER AIDED DESING / COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING. This is a modern system, where computers are used to support the planning and production process.

CAD is a system of software work, that is, computer-aided planning. A plaster model touched by sensors appears on the computer monitor, a digital model is made based on it and compensation is planned for it, which can be a crown or a bridge. This ensures perfect and accurate adhesion of the restored work.

CAM system is part of the "realization" also by computer control of the machine. One cutting machine makes a pre-planned skeleton of a crown or bridge from a suitable material. Our dental office is equipped with the latest technology, so you will be completely sure that you will leave us with a perfect smile. Dental Plaza is always at your disposal.


CAD CAM tehnologija


2. What is its application in dentistry?

CAD / CAM systems have taken an important place in dentistry in the production of high-precision metal-free prosthetic restorations. With the help of CAD / CAM system, making a crown is simpler and faster, while the procedure of making a crown is shortened to just one visit to the dentist, with much greater comfort for the patient. 


3. What are the advantages of applying CAD / CAM technology?


This modern technology brings with it many advantages for both the dentist and the patient. One of the main advantages is the fact that after only one visit to the dentist, the patient finishes making his crowns.


4. What does the process of making CAD / CAM crowns look like?


The procedure is very short. After the preparation of the tooth (grinding), the digital impression is taken with the help of an intraoral scanner, very quickly and comfortably. Another option is to take a conventional impression, so the cast model is scanned on a computer. Thus, a virtual model is obtained on which the process continues. 



Immediately after that, the restoration is planned and designed on the computer on a virtual model thanks to 3D software. When the design is complete, the type of ceramic for the appropriate compensation is selected and the software passes the information to the cutting machine in which the ceramic block will be cut in the form of a previously designed compensation. The restorations made in this way do not differ in shape and color from natural teeth. 


We went one step further when it comes to making bridges on implants in our dental office. After determining the intermaxillary relations, we create a "rigid", which we obtain through a 3D printer that is also software in a special program modeled by technicians, which confirms the accuracy of intermaxillary relations, and after scanning it in CAD-CAM, the possibility of error is excluded and accuracy brought to microscopic levels. 


5. What types of prosthetic restorations can be done using CAD / CAM technology?


CAD / CAM technology in dentistry has taken an important place and covers the production of a large number of high-precision prosthetic restorations, such as metal-free ceramic crowns, but also other ceramic restorations - inlays, onlays, overlays, endocrowns, bridges, veneers and crowns  on implant.


In addition to making crowns, teeth that have large fillings or are significantly damaged by caries so that a large part of the teeth is missing can be very easily reconstructed when using CAD-CAM technology. The great damage of the teeth used to mean that it had to be compensed with a crown. Today's system of cementation of restorations, types of ceramic materials and available technology have enabled only the missing part of the tooth to be elegantly reconstructed with appropriate restorations. 


Such restorations occupy only the surface of the damaged part of the tooth or the surface of the tooth that used to be occupied by the filling. Depending on the tooth surface they are restoring, the restorations have different names: inley, onley and overley.


Also, CAD / CAM technology is used in the manufacturing of appropriate orthodontic appliances and surgical guides in implantology. 


CAD CAM tehnologija


6. What is the price of a crown made with CAD / CAM technology?


At the Dental Plaza clinic, all metal-free crowns are technically made in this way. The computer-designed model of the crown is cut from the block using a machine programmed for that, and this does not affect the price of the zirconium ceramic crown. Dental Plaza dental practice is always up to date with all world trends, but with us you can find them at very affordable prices. 


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